Started by two Canadian women, one from the East and one from Vancouver, this celebration acknowledges, supports and increases the visibility of family caregivers and their thousands of hours of unpaid but crucial care of loved ones with dementia.
This is the way it works. On Wednesday, October 1st, you place one string of Christmas lights in a prominent place and turn them on at 8 pm as a sign of affirmation and support for family caregivers. Then you can log on to www.freewebs.com/alzheimerglowers and sign the guest book. As word of this celebration spreads from family to family and friend to friend, the glow is spreading around the world. I understand from the website that the UN will be acknowledging the Glow in some way this year.
I remember driving home after dark a few years ago and wondering why a number of people in my neighbourhood had put their lights up so early. Now I know and I will be hanging my string of lights in honour of my friend, Janet, and all the other caregivers who pay such a large price to bring dignity and quality of life to their loved ones.
Please join me in spreading the glow ...
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