My speaking engagements have begun early this year with an August keynote for the Canadian Society of Transplantation Conference at the Vancouver Convention Center. I was privileged to spend time with a fine group of helping professionals working on both the donor and recipient sides of the transplant equation. Their comments and questions in relation to Compassion Fatigue dovetailed with the thinking and reading I've been doing over the summer and have confirmed some of my thoughts regarding an under-acknowledged piece in our conceptualization of Compassion Fatigue. More about this later in the fall.
This October and November will see me sponsoring two of my own workshops for helping professionals here in Vancouver. The Caring on Empty and Compassion Fatigue, Going Deeper: The Enneagram workshops were so well received last year that I will be co-sponsoring them with St Mark's Anglican Church in Kitsilano and offering them to a broader, more heterogenous group of professionals than one might find in a specific organization. There is usually great richness in such groups with opportunities to think outside the box and to benefit from the wisdom of others outside one's own particular field.
1. Caring on Empty: Creative Tools for Transforming Compassion Fatigue
Friday October 22 9:00 - 3:45 (Registration at 8:30)
St Mark's Church, Kitsilano
1805 Larch Street, Vancouver, BC
Registration fee: $184.80 + HST = $210
This is a workshop designed for all helping professionals who work with the suffering or traumatized, from veterinarians to clergy, from nurses to teachers , from physicians to lawyers and judges, from social workers to physiotherapists to psychotherapists.
You will benefit by:
1. Learning the difference between compassion fatigue, (the secondary trauma we can experience through working with those who have been traumatized), and burnout or vicarious trauma.
2. Gaining an understanding of how CF develops.
3. Recognizing the general signs of CF and your own personal early warning signs.
4. Identifying your current level of CF.
5. Exploring tools for CF transformation and resilience.
6. Beginning to develop a personal recovery and resilience plan.
2. Compassion Fatigue, Going Deeper: The Enneagram (** Postponed until 2011)
Friday evening November 19 7-9:00 pm - and -
Saturday November 20 9:00 - 3:45 pm
St Mark's Church, Kitsilano
1805 Larch Street, Vancouver, BC
Registration fee: $220 + HST = $250
One of the most common signs of Compassion Fatigue is emotional reactivity and the Enneagram can help you to recognize the source of that reactivity and to take steps to reduce it.
The Enneagram (pronounced ANY-a-gram) is an enlightening and powerfully accurate system of 9 personality types based on a combination of ancient wisdom tradition and modern psychology. It differs from other personality typing systems like the Myers-Briggs in that it focuses on the motivation behind our behaviour rather than on the behaviour itself.
Discovering and working with your Enneagram personality type can help you to:
1. Make positive changes in your life, particularly in your relationship with yourself and with others.
2. Clearly recognize the issues that can "push your buttons" and reduce your reactivity.
3. Understand more about your behaviour under stress and when relaxed.
4. Integrate the personal and spiritual aspects of your life, regardless of your spiritual path.
** Registration includes a copy of Stanford University professor of psychiatry, Dr David Daniels' book, The Essential Enneagram.
For a registration form or for more information, please email me at caregiverwellnesshaw.ca or call me at (604) 297 0609.
With every good wish for a healthy and happy fall,
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