Next week, I will make my annual trip to Nanaimo, on Vancouver Island, with my car filled with gifts for family and friends and my heart filled with the anticipation of happy hours spent in the warm love and laughter of dear ones. I will be away until December 28th so won't be posting again until the New Year.
In the meantime, I wish you the blessings of peace, joy, healing and comfort this holiday season and leave you with these words from Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, found in this year's Callanish Society Christmas card:
We give thanks for places of simplicity and peace.
May we find such places in ourselves.
We give thanks for places of freedom and beauty.
May we find such places in ourselves.
We give thanks for places of refuge and love.
May we find such places in ourselves.
May we begin to mend the outer world
According to the truth of our inner life.
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