Whenever I teach a Compassion Fatigue workshop and we speak about the benefits of mindfulness meditation in reducing stress and autonomic arousal, there are always a few people who, because of the teachings of their particular faith tradition, feel uncomfortable about participating in the exercises.
My response to this discomfort is generally to offer the alternative of a Centering Prayer practice, which will bring about similar byproducts without the internal conflict. Centering Prayer is, in the words of Cynthia Bourgeault, Episcopal priest, author, and internationally-known retreat leader,
"...a simple form of sitting meditation, rooted in the Christian tradition but spreading its wings toward our universal human oneness."
I'm bringing this alternative to your attention, today, because I've become aware that the folks at the on-line educational organization, Spirituality & Practice: Resources for Spiritual Journeys, are currently offering a four week course called, "Centering Prayer with Cynthia Bourgeault". Cynthia's work is highly respected across faith traditions and she is an excellent educator.
The course has already begun, (the first two sessions of twelve have been completed and the third will be sent out by email on Friday), but there is plenty of opportunity to catch up for those who might be interested. If this includes you, you can find more information in the E-Course section of the S & P website at www.spiritualityandpractice.com.
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