Now that summer is here, the pace of life may slow enough that you can take time to assess and re-jig your self care plans. Here are some self care ideas assembled by the nursing and support staff from Alberta Children's Hospital - plus a few extras for good measure. See if there's anything here you might like to try or to share with your friends and family:
1. Meditate every day / do yoga
2. Meet a friend for coffee
3. Play frisbee with a pet / walk your dog
4. Spend some time in the mountains
5. Have a bonfire at the beach
6. Buy new lip gloss
7. Retail therapy
8. Have a hot bath with bubbles
9. Visit with someone you love by phone or on Skype/iChat
10. Snuggle under a quilt
11. Go to the airport early so you don't have to rush
12. Listen to loud music (or soft music)
13. Walk early in the quiet morning air
14. Get a haircut
15. Eat the samples at Costco
16. Work in a flower or vegetable garden
17. Go to Starbucks with a good book
18. Go for a long drive
19. Turn the TV off
20. Drumming
21. Have a clean house
22. Make popcorn
23. Mow grass or shovel snow
24. Plan a nice dinner
25. Hike or snowshoe
26. Have a family gathering (the functional ones)
27. Start a book club
28. Engage in a hobby - quilting, playing music, singing, knitting, reading, sports, painting, travel, writing, woodwork, car repair, digital photography, dancing, biking
29. Take a nap
30. Go away with friends
31. Clean the junk out of your pantry and buy fresh, healthy food
32. Laugh out loud - be willing to laugh at yourself
33. Notice and be grateful for the little things - your child's laughter, the colour of the sunset, the way your body moves
34. Plan your next vacation
35. Take yourself on a picnic
36. Be willing to receive
37. Make a list of 50 things that make you smile and post it where you can see it every day
38. Create a self care network of people who will encourage you as you improve your self care - your family, a self care buddy, members of a group to which you already belong
39. Spend an evening outside looking up at the stars
40. Explore ways to relax and become an expert
41. Create a special sanctuary at home - a room or a corner - where you can spend quiet time alone
42. Learn something new
43. De-clutter a closet or a drawer
44. Remember to breathe and breathe deeply
45. Make a gratitude journal and write down 5 things for which you're grateful every night before you go to sleep
46. Fly a kite
47. Roll all the way down a big grassy hill
48. Lie in tall grass and look at the sky
49. Pick flowers to make your surroundings look beautiful
50. Do some baking
51. Take a lovely bone china cup to work and have a quiet cup of tea and listen to soothing music for a few minutes every afternoon
52. Spend a day at the spa
53. Ask for a hug
54. Spend quality time with your partner
55. Tell someone you love them
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